10 Thoughts on a Thursday

musings, inspiration & ideas from the week

Hellooooo dear friends! It feels so good to get back into my creative flow and pour my energy into something that feels invigorating. As you know, Instagram has started to feel very stale, stagnant & lacking in originality for me lately, so I’m excited to use this medium to communicate with you guys, share my ideas & just talk about what I’ve been experiencing. You guys know I love writing! Even more, I LOVE inspiring you through words, and so, typing out my heart and soul, describing my own challenges and struggles as well as my sources of inspiration feels like the move right now. Let’s dive in.

10 thoughts on a Thursday:

  1. I am currently on a Human Design DEEEEEEP dive. I’ve been learning, studying, and applying this tool with all of my close friends & family. We are geeking out about real, and freakishly accurate it is. The best way to describe Human Design is the ‘energetic blueprint’ that you were born with, it’s how you operate, who you are & how you experience life on this planet. It’s all about energy patterns, how you give out & what you take in from the world around you. I’ve done it with all my friends & family and they are astonished by the depth of clarity it’s provided them. If you want to check out your Human Design you can get your chart for free here. It’s a bit complicated to the untrained eye, so if you feel inclined PLEASE share a screenshot of your chart with me so we can talk about it! Disclaimer: this is very much *not* approved by the APA (board of Psychologists) nor is it within the typical realm of western psychology, but as you guys know, I enjoy deviating from the role of the ‘typical psychologist’. I think there is so much more out there & so many tools we can benefit from. I’m thinking about offering readings & integrating this tool into my 1:1 sessions…. so stay tuned!

  2. This next story is wild. So this past weekend, it was the 4th of July… I was walking around this very random lake in the middle of nowhere Colorado & I run into a client of mine who took my EFT Course!!! I am still in shock. I never run into you guys in my real life, so to have my two worlds collide like this was really powerful. My husband (who is really into statistics) says the chances of this happening are near impossible & that it’s a message from the universe…. I am still unsure what that message is, but nevertheless, I think it’s really cool.

  3. This brings me to my next point: signs & signals from the universe. EEEEk! So, I recently started to pay more attention to the world around me… just noticing the subtle things. One of the things I’ve been doing is putting my questions to life out there, ‘into the ethers’— into the universe, for guidance, direction & clarity. This is very random, I’ve been struggling with knowing how to move forward in this one area of my life. I very much have been doubting myself & my intuition. I asked for a bright blue bird to reveal itself if this was the right path for me… quite literally, I was like: “universe, please show me a bluebird if I am on the right path… and if I don’t see it, I know it will be time for me to change directions…” I didn’t see a bluebird for weeks and was fully like “ok, acknowledged, new path it is” and then I was on a solo hike & BOOM right out of nowhere a beautiful bluebird (like the most vibrant blue bird you could ever imagine) crossed my path. I still have the chills thinking about it. So, have you ever done something similar? Have you ever asked for divine guidance in this way? If so, I would love to hear your stories!! For me, this is mostly about learning to TRUST my intuition.

  4. Switching topics slightly, something else I’ve been really into lately is binaural beats. Have you heard of it?? They are meditative tunes or specific frequencies of sound you can listen to (just search binaural beats into youtube or Spotify and it will come up) that help with focus & concentration. While the evidence supporting their effectiveness is still somewhat limited, they really help me with setting the mood, minimizing distraction & creating a calm environment to write/work. It’s best to listen to them using headphones for the full effect because the ‘binaural beat’ is literally created by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear which the brain then perceives as a single tone that pulsates at a specific frequency (kinda similar to the way EMDR works in the brain). Binaural beats are associated with different frequencies… there are alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) waves, which are linked to alertness and focus.

  5. Okay, so of the reasons why I’ve been so into interpreting signs, paying attention to signals, human design, binaural beats & all of these self-help tools is because I’ve been struggling with my own mental health lately. While some areas of my life are going really well, there are some things that are just not clicking into place the way I want/need/would have liked them to be. I’ll probably share more about this in the weeks to come but what I will say for now is that it has to do with my health & my body. I’d describe the general feeling that I am having at the moment as a sensation of heaviness & powerlessness. I just want life to ~be~ a certain way & I am really struggling with perhaps impatience//coming to terms with the fact that I can’t control everything, the timing of things, being the main thing. Truthfully, it’s been really humbling. This experience has made me realign myself to what really matters: practicing gratitude, not just lip service but actually feeeeeeeling gratitude for the things that are working well; my family, my friendships, my home, the sweetness of this LIFE & my career.

  6. Speaking of mental health… and this is unrelated to the topic mentioned above, one of the other things I’ve been struggling with lately (struggling might be a strong word…maybe working through) is releasing my idea of what a friendship should be like. I often have profound expectations & visions for what this idea my friendships should look & feel like, and when that said friendship does not play out in the way I want it to it makes me feel hurt. And so, I’ve been really working on surrendering the need to control every aspect of my friendship and appreciating the people in my life the way they show up, even if it is not how I want THEM to show up. Still working on this every day, but I thought it might be helpful for someone else to hear this too.

  7. Okay, enough about the things that are weighing on me…. one of the things I am REALLY passionate and excited about is the future of psychedelic-assisted therapy! Six days ago (at the time of my writing this) Australia became the first country in the world to legalize the use of psychedelics to treat certain mental health conditions. Psychiatrists in Australia can now prescribe MDMA to those suffering from PTSD & psilocybin-containing mushrooms for depression. Colorado (the state I live in) also recently passed legislation legalizing several plant medicine substances for their use within a therapeutic context starting in 2024, so more exciting news to come in this domain.

  8. Next, one of the things I’ve been practicing is giving unconditionally without asking for anything in return. I don’t have much to say on this other than the fact that it has been making me feel really good and I encourage you to try the same. Give because it makes you feel good, not because you need something in return. I’m convinced this is the secret sauce.

  9. One of the best things about hardship is the state of humility it returns you to. Truly, nothing humbles you more than a good struggle. From the depths of struggle, I am always confronted with two things: #1 I can trust the fear, OR, #2 I can trust in good. I definitely have my moments when fear is overpowering but my ultimate trust in good & everything shaking out for the highest good is ultimately what I want for myself, what I know to be true and want you to experience as well. It’s not some big, grand epiphany moment, but rather a conscious choice (in each and every moment) to trust in good rather than let fear take over.

  10. Two more little things that I’ve been absolutely loving these days are JUICING & PAINTING. Now that the weather is warm, I love looking around the grocery store for fruits and vegetables that would blend well together. In a weird way, it feels creative & artsy to blend flavors & colors and make the most vibrant juice humanly possible. My most current favorite obsession is carrot, celery, beet, lemon, and ginger. It is definitely an acquired taste but leaves you feeling SO revitalized and refreshed. Same with painting… activating this creative muscle is bringing me a lot of joy right now and is making me feel just really good.

That is it for today! Sending you all my love!!

XOX Dr. Jenn


